What's Happening at Rancho Alegre
Rebuilding OUR Camp
On July 8, 2017, at approximately 1:40 pm a fire broke out on adjacent property to Rancho Alegre. The Whittier Fire quickly spread and within one hour much of Rancho Alegre was ablaze.
As a result of that fire, we were forced to cancel Boy Scout Advancement Camp for 2017 and all resident camp and activities for 2018. Thanks to neighboring Scout Councils we were still able to provide a meaningful summer camp experience at Camp Three Falls, Camp Kern, and Fiesta Island. We want to thank those camps and their Councils for the quick response and support.
At 10:00 on the morning of July 8th, we had ended our Cub Scout Resident Camp and all of those Scouts and much of the staff were gone from camp. There were still three younger staff members who were staying overnight who acted in most courageous and responsible manner in making sure that facilities were clear and then grabbed transportation from the camp's Administrative Assistant who resides on the property.
At this time the Council is working with the insurance company, architects, and necessary governmental agencies to rebuild the camp. This project may take several years to achieve. Scouting families will be hearing more about opportunities to contribute both labor and funds to make this dream control.
At this time, the camp is closed for all functions until the Council is assured that the air quality and environment are safe. That time is projected to last through the end of 2018.
For additional pictures of the damage to the camp, please click on our online photo albums: Part 1 --- Part 2 --- Part 3..
Programs unaffected by the fire
Wilderness First Aid - The Risk Management Committee of Los Padres Council offers two sessions of Wilderness First Aid annually: The 2018 Spring Course is scheduled for Friday-Saturday, April 13-14. at Camp Arroyo Grande. Pricing is higher as we are leasing the facility from another agency and not using a BSA facility. A minimum of six participants (maximum 10) must register for each event in order for the sessions to be held. Participants must attend both days in their entirety to be certified. Prior to the course, the applicant must have an Adult CPR and AED certificate issued within the last two years. in order to provide Council participants the first opportunity to register. The class is limited to 15 students. Participants must be at least 16 years old and must complete a final exam with an 80% or better score.
If you have any questions, please contact Instructor George Brown at (805) 528-7214 or kf6pbl@hotmail.com.
National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) - Per a statement from Council Vice President for Program Lynn Johnson, it is the Council's intent to offer NYLT in the Summer 2018. As the program is firmed up we will send out information to all Scout units.
Cub Scout Day Camp - Cub Scout Day Camps are held in the local community and not at Rancho Alegre. Therefore, Cub Scout Day Camp is planned for five locations throughout the Council in 2018.
Planned communities having Cub Scout Day Camps: Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, Lompoc, San Luis Obispo, and Paso Robles/Atascadero.
Volunteers are needed to make these programs a success. Please contact your District Executive to support the 2018 programs in June and July. For the name and contact information of your District Executive, click here.
Courses Which Rely Upon a Functioning and Safe Rancho Alegre
Not Offered in 2018
Boy Scout Advancement Trail Camp
Lifeguard Academy
Cub Resident and Family Camp
Important Camp Forms... Here are quick links to the four most important and most sought after forms needed by Scouting units for camping purposes: