Serving the Scouting Community and youth of Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties since 1917.
Rancho Alegre Council Program Office
Until the camp is operational again, please address all mail
and phone calls to the Santa Barbara Office.
4000 Modoc Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93110
(805) 967-0105; Fax (805) 967-5094

Glen Goddard Program Director and District Executive, Cachuma District
Todd Williams, Ranger
Rancho Alegre Camp Reservations
Atascadero Service Center
7350 El Camino Real, Suite #201, Atascadero, 93422
(805) 461-4018; Fax (805) 461-4021

Paul Bradley, District Director, Del Norte District
Erica Mundell-McGilvray, District Executive, Camino Real District
(805) 461-4019
Sales Associate: LouAnn McKinley
updated 02/5/18