2018 National Youth Leadership Training
Course Dates and Location to be set for Summer 2018
National Youth Leadership Training is the Los Padres Council's advanced leadership training course for Scouting's youth leaders. NYLT is a course staffed and led primarily by Boy Scouts. The course material can be applied to all aspects of a Scout's life, not just his Scouting leadership. Through activities, events, games, and adventures, participants will work hard and play hard as they put into action the best Scouting has to offer.
The Objectives of the NYLT Course are:
- Give participants the confidence and knowledge to conduct the Troop program.
- Provide participants with a clear understanding of team and personal development and how those elements relate to being a leader.
- Guide the participants through the stages of team development.
- Experience an environment of Scouting fellowship and fun.
- Give Boy Scouts and Venturers the opportunity to work with Scouts from other troops.
Prerequisites for attending NYLT are:
- Be at least 13 years of age, but not yet 18 on first day of the course, and be at least First Class rank.
- Completion of Introduction to Leadership Skills (ILST or ILSC) is highly desirable.
- Be at the pre-course Orientation Meeting (location and date to be announced).
- Be recommended for participation by your Unit Leader, and have permission from your parents.
If you can SEE it, You can BE it!
NYLT is a fantastic experience! Check out the program brochure and submit your participant application to attend today.
For more information and a Participant Application Form, [not ready yet].
Registration will open approximately six months prior to the start of the event. Please note that your completed Participant Application must be mailed to the Los Padres Council Business Office [4000 Modoc Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93110] within five days of your payment to secure your spot at the camp.
Notice for Staff applications will be sent out later this year.
Staff applications
are not yet available.
- For required medical form (March 2014 version) from all participants and staff, click here.

- Copy of flier will be available later this year.