The Boy Scouts have four top-notch High Adventure Camps. Reservations
for each camp are generally scheduled 20 months in advance of the summer season. The BSA High Adventure Camp near Goshen, WV also serve as the site of National Jamborees. For more information on each camp, click on the icon below:
For an overview of the BSA's four High Adventure Bases, click on one of the logos listed below. You will be taken to another official BSA website showing the program opportunities and scheduling requirements.

To view a YouTube video and learn more about the fourth and newest High Adventure Base - The Summit at River Gorge, WV - click here. In addition, the Summit is the site of all future National Jamborees and a new National Training Center.

Do you know someone else who could use this news update from the Summit? Forward this message to the Scouts and Scouters in your address book!
You ask, "What is the Triple Crown? Very few Scouts earn it, but four Scouts and one adult from Troop 36 earned it by attending and participing in high adventure camps at ALL three high adventure bases: Philmont, Somer's Northern Tier, and Florida Sea Base.
The patch represents the the three bases by the animal they are associated with: the bull for Philmont, the loon for Northern Tier, and the dolphin for sea base.
The boys and leaders participated in the Philmont Trek in northern New Mexico in 2009, the Northern Tier Grand Portage Trek in the Boundary Water Canoe Area Wilderness of Minnesota in 2010 and the Sea Base Bahamas in 2011. All three National High Adventure Programs focus on outdoor skills.
Earning the Triple Crown award are Henry Wakamiya (Leader), Alex Heuchert, John Errico, Justin Moore and David Scott Schreiner (adult advisor). John Errico recently earned the Eagle Award.
At Philmont in 2009, the group backpacked 75 miles in 10 days. Each day there was a skill participation or demonstration.
Northern Tier in 2010 featured a ten-day 125-mile canoe voyage from Ely, Minnesota, to Lake Superior including a nine-mile portage. Fishing and a rendezvous at a Grand Portage National Monument were highlights.
This past summer the group flew to Miami and then to the Bahamas for swimming, snorkeling, fishing and exploring islands in the Abacos.
Each participant was awarded the Triple Crown patch featuring a bull, loon and dolphin. Troop 36 is one of the few troops in the Los Padres Council to achieve this award.
One of the activities at Philmont was to go out and find “planted victims,” assess the situation and decide on treatment. The boys also viewed the only existing T-Rex fossilized footprint.
Northern Tier was the most demanding as the boys paddled about twenty miles per day and carried canoes and gear on portages up to 8.5 miles. They also caught crayfish and smallmouth bass and cooked them.
Sea Base featured a 50 foot boat sailing from Cay to Cay. The Scouts viewed barracuda, lionfish, blowfish, lobster, bottle-nosed dolphins, upside down jellyfish as well as snorkeling above a shipwreck. The boys divided into two crews alternating between cooking and sailing the ship. Schedules were changed daily.
On each outing other boys and adults from the troop participated ranging from six boys and two adults on the Minnesota trip to nine boys and three adults on the Bahamas trip.
Los Padres Council offers a number of High Adventure Awards that can be earned by Scouts of not only this Council but other Councils as well. These awards promote the many unique trails and community features of our South Coast. All awards are approved and maintained by the Los Padres Council High Adventure Team (HAT) under the leadership of Council Vice President for Program, Lynn Johnson. In order to be eligible for any of these awards, leaders must ensure that their Scouts comply with the General Instructions for Cub Scout Awards or the General Instructions for Boy Scout Awards.
The above awards are sponsored by Los Padres Council. Other Councils sponsor similar awards which local Scouts may be eligible. There are over 60 other Awards for Cub Scouts and over 100 other Awards for Boy Scouts and Venturers sponsored by other Councils for which local units are eligible. The Santa Barbara Scout Office has available two publications which can be reviewed containing the list of eligible recognitions from Councils in Southern California, Nevada, and Arizona OR you can download the complete book (in Adobe Acrobat pdf format) by clicking on this link to the Orange County BSA High Adventure Team page.
Effective August 2015 Los Padres Council will no longer be offering the Seven Sisters High Adventure Award. Some of the property required to earn this award is in private ownership and the Boy Scouts are unable to obtain rights to cross the property.
Two National High Adventure Awards include
1. The unit must plan and participate in an historic activity.
2. Locate an historic trail site and study the information related to the site.
3. Hike or camp two (2) consecutive days and one (1) night along the trail or at the historic site (as near as possible)
4. Do one of the following: a. Cooperate with an adult group such as an Historical Society to restore and mark all or part of the trail site. OR b. Cooperate with an adult group such as an Historical Society to plan and stage an historical pageant or other public event. Such an event shall be large enough to merit coverage by local press. If "4b" is selected, attach clippings to High Adventure Award form.
5. Comply with the GENERAL REQUIREMENTS.
1. Make complete and satisfactory plans for the trip.
2. Cover a wilderness trail, canoe or boat route of not less than 50 consecutive miles taking at least five (5) consecutive days and nights to cover the trail or route.
3. During the time on the trail or waterway, each person much complete at least ten (10) hours of group work to improve the trail, springs, campsites, portages or wilderness area. Note that in public lands, authority must be obtained in advance for all work other than clean-up. The High Adventure Team Trail Boss Chairman can assist with making the necessary contacts and arrangements.
4. If it is not possible to complete ten (10) hours of work on the trail or waterway, a similar project may be completed in the unit's home area. Pack animals may only be used with the permisison the High Adventure Team.
5. For river trips, a power boat may be used only as a safety boat, and in fact is so recommended, but it shall be used for safety only. Any person who rides in, whose food or equipment is carried by, or whose craft is towed by a power boat is immediately disqualified and shall not receive this award.
6. Comply with the GENERAL REQUIREMENTS.
NOTE: The National Council has not approved the use of "scheduled backpack time" and it may not be used for this award.